Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Stuff Happens

This news item from WKYC suggests that drilling is not risk-free (12-17-2007).

BAINBRIDGE -- There are still more questions then (sic) answers as to what caused a natural gas explosion in the home of a Bainbridge family Saturday.

Thelma and Rick Payne say they thought it was an earthquake when the were startled from their sleep by a natural gas explosion that rocked the Payne's home off it's very foundation.

No one was injured but 10 to 13 families had to be evacuated.

Through a news release Ohio Valley Energy says there is a natural gas build up in the water table in the English Road neighborhood just off of Bainbridge Road.

The company believes the gas came from a nearby well it drilled about one month ago.

The gas was drawn up into a number of water wells.

Those residents are still without water until the leak can be located and sealed.

Ohio Valley Energy is feeding and housing the families that are evacuated.

The company hopes to have the problem solved by Wednesday.


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